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Homilies about 1 Corinthians: 12

You searched for sermons from the Book of: 1 Corinthians: 12
Author! Author!  Click here Click title to view sermon 1 Corinthians 12: 1–11
1 Corinthians 12: 4–11 for LFM
Summary: Collaborators in a musical may end up working against each other instead of with each other when they fail to recognize and appreciate the gifts of their partners. The same is true in the life of the church. Each of us brings something special to the mix, but when we fail to recognize the Holy Spirit as the author of our life together, we may drive each other away.
C Epiphany 2 Ordinary Time 2 Epiphany 2 Epiphany 2 Palette
With Strings Attached  Click here Click title to view sermon 1 Corinthians 12: 3b–13
Summary:  God’s gifts always and forever have strings attached. Yet, they’re not the sort of strings that can be used to yank the gift back again. Rather, they connect us to one another, in community — and to God.
A Pentecost Pentecost Pentecost Principal Service Pentecost Palette
Calling or Falling?  Click here Click title to view sermon 1 Corinthians 12: 12–31
Summary: Paul uses the analogy of a human body with many parts in service to the one body to describe the church. The message of this passage to us, today, is that we, the church, are called to present a united face and a united front to the world, with our many different “members” all working together to present the body of Jesus Christ to the world. It is upon this unity that the church will stand — or fall.
C Epiphany 3 Palette
Are You a Team Player?  Click here Click title to view sermon 1 Corinthians 12: 12–30
Summary: Paul described the church as the body of Christ and individual Christians as different parts of that body. A football team with players at different positions can illustrate the same truth. Because they are members of one team, they can each be as good as possible at their individual tasks. The concept of “team spirit,” which holds individuals together in a single entity, can also help us to understand the role of the Holy Spirit in the church.
C Epiphany 3 Ordinary Time 3 Epiphany 3 Epiphany 3 Palette
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