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Reading: Luke 10:38–42
RCL: Proper 11  LFM: Ordinary Time 16  BCP: Proper 11  LSB: Pentecost 6 Legend
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In Defense of Just Sitting and Listening for a While


Sandwiched between the parable of the Good Samaritan and Jesus’ teachings about prayer, the narrative about Mary listening while Martha works teaches us that study prepares us for our devotional life and for serving our neighbors. All of these things form a part of our struggle against evil.

            What is at stake when we attend a Bible study or a lecture or Sunday school? We enjoy the fellowship and lively discussions. Yes, we sometimes generate an argument or two. We might gain some knowledge or come away with a few new insights.

            Do we attach much importance to those things? A pastor friend of mine confided in me that he once had to move the time of a Sunday evening Bible study because the local NFL team had made the playoffs. The Bible study couldn’t compete against the football game. Did the people at the church assume that nothing important would happen at the Bible study? Was nothing much at stake? Does studying the Bible not generate suspense or excitement?

            Luke presents a scene with a woman who sits at Jesus’ feet listening. Where might that lead? Why does that matter?


The context

            Perhaps we can understand this scene with Mary and Martha in light of something that happens earlier in the chapter. Jesus makes a strange statement in response to the mission team he sends out. He had deployed 70 followers to prepare for his arrival in th

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