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Reading: Matthew 11:2–11   (Verses 2–15 for LSB)
RCL: Advent 3  LFM: Advent 3  BCP: Advent 3  LSB: Advent 3 Legend
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Advent, Christmas, church, dignity


Jesus’ response to John’s question affirms his own identity, John’s identity and ours.

            The first impression one might get when reading today’s gospel lesson is this: There is hope for all of us! If John the Baptist had to send disciples to Jesus and ask if Jesus was the one who is to come or if he should look for another, then maybe the doubts we have are okay too! While it is true that doubting is both normal and okay, we have to wait for the Sunday after Easter and the story of “Doubting Thomas” for that kind of affirmation.

            To land on the doubting theme is to miss the tremendous blessings this passage can bring. There is way more going on here than just John trying to appease his doubts. Of course, it was natural for John to have questions, considering where he was when he sent his disciples to Jesus. He was in prison. We find out in Matthew 14 why John was incarcerated: Herod had put him there because John had told Herod that it was against the Law of Moses for him to marry his brother’s wife, Herodias. Philip, Herodias’ first husband, was still alive and had not divorced her, so she was still married to Philip, but was with Herod.1 Sounds like a soap opera!

            But John’s inquiry about Jesus raises a question for us: Did John really doubt Jesus’ identity in those difficult circumstances? After all, it was John who first recognized Jesus when the latter came to be baptized. When Jesus showed up next to the Jordan River, John pointed out that he ought to be baptized by Jesus, not the other way around!2 And then when Jesus came up out of the water, the Spirit descended in the form of a dove, and a voice from heaven declared Jesus to be God’s beloved Son.3

            So, with that kind of an event confirming what John knew about Jesus already, and given that John’s whole jo

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