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Reading: Luke 14:1–14
RCL: Proper 17  LFM: Ordinary Time 22  BCP: Proper 17  LSB: Pentecost 12 Legend
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A Super Bowl Banquet


A man in New York City invited five homeless men to a Super Bowl party in 2017, and it changed their lives. Can this and a parable from Jesus inspire us to reach into our communities to those on the margins?

            Meir Kay is an internet and YouTube personality who is all about spreading positivity. He’s made many videos that emphasize the importance of being happy and being kind to others, and those videos have more than 350 million views on YouTube.

            One of his most popular is called “High Five New York,” where he spends time giving a high five to people who stick out their hands to hail a taxi in New York City. Some of his videos are serious, some funny and some are inspiring. But there is one that went viral, and it highlighted something that first happened during the Super Bowl in 2017, and then was repeated during Super Bowl 2018 and 2019.

            The first of these videos showed the stops Meir Kay made in his hometown of New York City on Super Bowl Sunday, 2017.

            First, he went to a sporting goods store, where he purchased some New England Patriots jerseys.

            Second, he stopped to order food, especially chicken wings.

            Third and most important, he went around his neighborhood and invited five homeless men to the party he was hosting for the big game at a rooftop bar on Fifth Avenue.

            Kay says he was first inspired to do this when he spotted a homeless man on the street holding a sign that asked not for money or food or drink; it said he felt invisible and wanted someone to talk to.


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