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Reading: Matthew 5:1–12
LSB: All Saints Legend
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A Prescription for Happiness


Poverty is not what most people think of when they are looking for happiness. Mourning is really not all that appealing, and persecution is sought only by masochists. One might well wonder what Jesus was trying to do in this inaugural address. The promise was wonderful-happiness; however, the prescription seems a ridiculous one, at least in human terms.

Snoopy has told us that happiness is many things. And he sells quite well, be it on banners, posters, greeting cards or whatever, because so many of us can identify with him. The search for happiness is as wide as the world and as old as man himself. Adam looked for it in an apple. Philosophers have attempted to capture its meaning for ages, and Madison Avenue has spent millions on showing us how to find it in their way. The search goes on and different folks seek to embrace hap­piness or at least to taste it in a variety of ways. Even those who seem to thrive on unhappiness are finding their very happiness in misery, as unhealthy as that may be.

However, the little mutt of Peanuts fame has by no means been the only one to speak to the issue on a nitty gritty level. In today’s gospel reading we hear Jesus attempt to give us the kernel as to what it is really all about. This part of Matthew’s gospel contains what we might well term the inaugural address of Christianity. The fact that he has Jesus sitting on a mountain to deliver his message is symbolic as to what it is all about. Matthew was writing his gospel to the Jews, a group of people who were ever aware of Moses and his coming down from the mountain with the Law, the way to life and happiness. The difference, however, is also very significant. Moses delivered the “do not’s” while Jesus comes from the more positive side with the “do’s.”

Poverty is not what most people think of when they are looking for happiness. Mourning is really not all that appealing, and persecution is sought only by masochists. One might well wonder what Jesus was trying to do in this inaugural address. The promise was wonderful-happiness; however, the pres

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