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Reading: John 10:1–10
RCL: Easter 4  LFM: Easter 4  BCP: Easter 4  LSB: Easter 4 Legend
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When Does the Life Jesus Offers Become Abundant?


Even though Jesus says in the farewell discourse that disciples will experience trouble, he offers abundant life. That abundant life takes place in the new community of the church that anticipates the resurrection and celebrates joy and peace now.

            We may have only a vague understanding of how sheepfolds work. We hear the scriptures describe the Lord as a shepherd, and Jesus as the shepherd of the sheep, but we don’t resonate with that. We do know that the blind man from chapter 9 of John’s gospel has just entered the sheepfold. Jesus healed him with mud and saliva. Following that, the formerly blind man teaches us how one slowly comes to faith. At first, he knows only that Jesus has healed him. Then he decides that he might call Jesus a prophet. Then he realizes that Jesus has come from God. Finally, he declares, “Lord, I believe.”1 He demonstrates that some people come to faith slowly, in baby steps. Some of us need to hear that.

            Along the way, the healed man loses people who should have hung in there with him. The neighbors can’t decide if he is the same blind man who had begged by the road. The religious leaders interrogate him instead of celebrating his healing. His parents don’t want to take a stand. Whatever community he once had seems to have deserted him.

            Even if we know nothing about sheepfolds, we recognize that Jesus brings us into a new community. Jesus welcomes the formerly blind man into the new community of the church. He joins the flock. Jesus has healed him and led him to understand and believe. He hears Jesus’ voice and follows. Jesus becomes the gate that leads him to a new community.

            We may have known people for whom joining the church meant separation from family and friends. People who make that kind of courageous decision can point out to us that church becomes a new community. For most of us, though, joining the church connects us to our family and friends. Either way, we hear in this passage that joining the church puts us into a new community.


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