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Reading: Matthew 2:1–12
RCL: Epiphany  LFM: Epiphany  BCP: Epiphany  LSB: Epiphany Legend
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The Perfect Gift


The wise men followed God’s guidance perfectly, handled King Herod perfectly and brought perfect gifts. They are models for those of us who are looking for Jesus today.

            Chanel No. 5 ... Harriet Tubman ... Félix Hernández ... the wise men. What do they have in common? In a word: perfection.

            According to mental_floss magazine, Chanel No. 5 is the perfect scent. When a poll was taken, 10 percent of women “insisted they met ‘Mr. Right’ while wearing the fragrance.”1 For several years, posters for Chanel No. 5 contained enormous pictures of Brad Pitt. He must be the “Mr. Right” that so many women are seeking.

            Harriet Tubman was perfect as well. She personally freed more than 300 slaves, with a perfect record of over 19 journeys on the Underground Railroad. She knew the terrain, respected her limits and always acquired good intelligence for her slave-freeing operations.2 Now she is going to be put on the $20 bill.

            And Félix Hernández? This pitcher for the Seattle Mariners pitched a perfect game on August 15, 2012. A perfect game is a no-hitter and a shut-out, one in which no opposing player is able to reach base. The feat has been achieved only 23 times in the history of Major League Baseball.3

            How about the wise men? According to the Gospel of Matthew, they followed God’s guidance perfectly, handled King Herod perfectly and brought the perfect gifts. They set a very high standard for those of us who are looking for Jesus today.


Surprising guidance

            Matthew tells us that the wise men come from the East in the “time of

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