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Reading: Luke 18:1–8
RCL: Proper 24  LFM: Ordinary Time 29  BCP: Proper 24  LSB: Pentecost 22 Legend
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The Power of Persistence


Just like the determined widow who went to the judge to receive justice, we are called to be persistent in prayer so that we can actively bring change in the world.

            If you show up at the Metropolitan Opera House on any given night, after the ballet you will likely find a crowd of young and old alike waiting for a ballerina who has become a household name. That name is Misty Copeland.

            Misty Copeland, who is known outside of the ballet world for her Under Armour advertising campaign, “I Will What I Want,” is a principal dancer with the prestigious American Ballet Theatre, and was the feature of a TV spot that has close to 10 million hits on YouTube. It begins with a voiceover of a young girl reading a rejection letter from a ballet company that Copeland actually received early on. It says: “Dear Candidate: Thank you for your application to our ballet academy. Unfortunately, you have not been accepted. You lack the right feet, Achilles tendons, turnout, torso length and bust. You have the wrong body for ballet and at 13, you are too old to be considered.” The video continues with a beautiful ballet dance from Copeland, highlighting her athleticism, grace and power. The description from Under Amour on the video says, “Misty Copeland’s destiny was not to be a ballerina. But will trumps fate.”1

            Will certainly trumped fate when Copeland was named principal dancer at the American Ballet Theatre in June 2015. Very few ballet dancers make it to this elite level, and Misty Copeland made history when she became the first African-American to be named principal dancer in the 75-year history of the company. This would open up the eyes of people far and wide, making her a symbol because of the low numbers of African-American ballerinas in companies around the globe.

            The odds were against Misty from the time she began ballet. An interview with 60 Minutes highlighted many of the struggles she had to overcome.2 She was from a poor family and did indeed start dancing (as the Under Armour commercial indicates) at the late age of 13. She had an extremely athletic build and did not have the typical look of a ballerina. However, that did not stop her. She worked hard every day, enduring long hours at the studio to make up for lost time. She was told over and over again that she would ne

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