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Reading: Luke 12:32–40   (Verses 32–48 for LFM)
RCL: Proper 14  LFM: Ordinary Time 19  BCP: Proper 14  LSB: Pentecost 12 Legend
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Six Little Words


God’s presence can break through our fear to offer strength for today.

[Suggestion: You might wish to intersperse in this sermon the refrain from the song “You Are Mine” by David Haas and invite the congregation to sing along. We’ve included the word “Refrain” at a few points to indicate where it might be used. For copyright reasons, we have not printed the lyrics, but they are easily found on the Internet, and you can hear the song at]


            When are six words enough? When they are the six words spoken by Jesus in our reading today.

            They are “Do not be afraid, little flock.”

            That one short phrase, that collection of familiar and comforting words, reminds us of countless times when God has offered reassurance, courage and strength to his people. Even if you are not sure that you remember all of the Bible stories you learned as a child, and even if you can’t recite impressive numbers of Bible passages, you can hang onto these six words. They can tell you volumes about God and the loving relationship he has with us who trust him and have entered his “flock.”


The witness of scripture

            Here’s why those few words are so important.

            In the scripture passage, Jesus is addressing his disciples. He begins by saying, “Do not be afraid.” Even if we didn’t have the rest of the scripture lesson, that phrase alone would be enough to speak to our hearts and offer us hope. When Jesus utters those words, it’s as if he is recognizing that there are people and events in our world that can disturb us, unsettle us or even make us afraid. Je

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