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Reading: Luke 7:1–10
RCL: Proper 4  BCP: Proper 4  LSB: Pentecost 2 Legend
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The Powerful Prayers of the People


Our prayers with and for one another and our actions on one another’s behalf offer life-changing power.

            You no doubt already know that our actions and our words can make an enormous difference in someone else’s life. Every day, each one of us has the opportunity to be a messenger of God’s hope and love — and to be a healing presence — sometimes in unexpected ways.

            With that in mind, consider today’s text. In it, the Gospel writer Luke offers us a short, action-packed story with interesting characters. Each of the people we meet demonstrates faith and compassion and reminds us of the impact that our lives can have on one another.

            Let’s spend some time meeting the characters of the story. As you hear about them, consider which one you relate to. Or perhaps think of someone you have met who reminds you of a person described in this account.


The slave

            The story begins with the plight of a slave. We don’t have any information about this slave — we don’t even know if this was a man or a woman or what kind of illness had brought this servant to the brink of death. It is significant that we never hear the slave utter a word. This reflects the uncomfortable reality of the slavery that was part of biblical times.

            As far as we can tell from the Bible, slavery as practiced by the Jews was not quite the grim institution it was in America prior to the Civil War. Because of Israel’s own enslavement in Egypt, the treatment of slaves by Israelite owners was generally less savage than it might have been. The slave owner in this story, however, was not Jewish. As an officer in the Roman occupyin

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