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Reading: Luke 4:14–21   (Verses 16–21 for LSB)
RCL: Epiphany 3  LFM: Ordinary Time 3  BCP: Epiphany 3  LSB: Epiphany 3 Legend
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Before Jesus Gets Specific


By reading only the first part of Jesus’ sermon, we learn that the promises of the Spirit, the good news, release and healing, come from God before we respond. God’s offer does not depend on our correct response.

            How many of us have witnessed a young preacher’s first sermon? We might have taken note of the anxiety: the trembling hands, the quivering voice, the twitching eyes. We might know some stories of eventual pulpit giants who started out in the early days with more of a whimper than a roar. Some beginning preachers hope just to stammer out a few words for their first sermon. That first effort becomes more about gaining experience than really serving as the herald of God’s word.


Jesus, the preacher

            Luke presents a picture of Jesus as a confident, wise, bold teacher from an early age. Even though in one sense he begins his ministry here in Galilee after his baptism and temptation, according to Luke, he started a long time before this sermon. Luke tells of Jesus impressing the teachers in the temple,1 demonstrating curiosity, insight and unintimidated poise. Luke then falls silent about Jesus’ ministry until this scene in the synagogue at Nazareth. Should we assume that a combination of Jesus’ growing maturity and the surging energy of the Holy Spirit fueled Jesus’ approach to this first sermon in Nazareth? He has preached before this sermon, but Luke gives us the details of only this sermon. It is the first one where we know what Jesus said. Jesus has already played the big city, and now he comes back to his hometown. How much trouble could he possibly cause in just one sermon?


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