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Reading: John 1:1–14   (Verses 1–18 for LFM)
RCL: Christmas - Proper 1  LFM: Mass During The Day  BCP: Christmas Day I  LSB: Christmas Day Legend
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Looking for the Light


The illumination of God comes from Jesus, the true light who enlightens everyone.

            Exactly 105 years ago, a new kind of light appeared.

            In December 1910, a French inventor put neon gas into a sealed tube and then added an electrical current. It was the first neon lamp, and it must have been breathtaking, captivating and completely engrossing! The word neon came from the Greek word neos, meaning “the new gas.”

            This invention began a new era in lighting — and in advertising. People would stop and stare at these signs that were visible even in daylight and that were given the nickname “liquid fire.”1

            Can you imagine a major city today without neon lights? Times Square would simply not be the Times Square we know and love. The sign for Wrigley Field in Chicago would be easy to miss. Las Vegas would be much less tacky.

            So, maybe neon lighting is not such a great thing — at least not in Las Vegas. But God offers a lighting system that has been pushing back the darkness for a very long time. On the first day of creation, Genesis tells us that “the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep.” In the face of that deep and disorderly darkness, God spoke a word. God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness.2

            The very same thing happens today. In places of deep darkness, God says, “Let there be light.” And there is light.


Our present darkness

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