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Reading: Mark 8:31–38   (Verses 27–38 for LSB)
RCL: Lent 2  BCP: Lent 2  LSB: Lent 2 Legend
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The Four–Sided Cross


The cross is not a one-dimensional instrument of torture and death. Instead, it has at least four sides to it: window, mirror, solution and summons.

Spring arrives in the world of nature on Friday, March 20, and many of us are feeling as though it cannot come soon enough. But in the world of the church, we are already there — today is the Second Sunday in Lent.

            The word Lent comes from lente, a word which means “spring,” so Lent is, for us, the springtime of our souls. It is the time in which the darkness of winter slowly gives way to light, and new life pushes out of the cold, hard earth.

            What is surprising about Lent is that it is focused on the cross — an instrument of torture and death. There doesn’t seem to be much light or life in a device that was used to kill Jesus, the Son of God. Instead, it seems to be as dark and cold as a winter night.

            And yet, Jesus calls to us through the Gospel of Mark, saying, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Those who want to follow Jesus are challenged to pick up their cross and walk with it, not throw it down and run away from it.

            “For those who want to save their life will lose it,” predicts Jesus, “and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it.” In a complete reversal of expectations, the cross becomes an instrument of salvation and new life, rather than of torture and death.

            Perhaps there is some light and life in the cross after all.


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