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Reading: Mark 1:9–15   (Verses 12–15 for LFM)   (Verses 9–13 for BCP)
RCL: Lent 1  LFM: Lent 1  BCP: Lent 1  LSB: Lent 1 Legend
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Reading More Than the Headlines


God’s love is present even in the wilderness, which can give us hope to carry on.

            Sometimes reading the Gospel of Mark is like reading only the headlines from a newspaper — you can get the main idea of the story but maybe not all of the details you might be looking for. You might get the big news, but after that, you really have to think about what you just read and what it means. We can read Mark’s version about Jesus in the wilderness in less than a minute — it is like the Cliffs Notes version of the First Sunday of Lent. But it would be a mistake to hurry through these verses. Those very few words are an invitation for us to sit with the story and then imagine the scene that Mark is describing.

            Mark tells the story of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness in one sentence: “He was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels waited on him.” That is the story, but there are no details there.

            It would be like if you went to visit New York City and decided to send your friend a postcard to describe your trip. “Arrived in city, saw many tall buildings.” Well, that’s true and accurate — but what else? Where are all the details? Where did you eat? Who did you see? What did you feel?


In the desert

            We hear this story of Jesus going into the wilderness every year at the beginning of Lent. When we think about how Matthew and Luke tell the story, Mark’s version is even more striking. There seems to be a lot missing. When Mark tells this story, there is:

  • No conversation with the devil. We don’t get to hear what Jesus and Satan said to each other.
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