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Reading: John 2:13–22
LFM: St. John Lateran  Legend
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Zeal for Our House


Jesus cleared the temple of the moneychangers and the sacrifice sellers, but that was not to condemn us for selling tamales or cookies on parish grounds after Mass. It was to protect the rights of the poor, who are the Savior’s children.

            No word, no matter how profound, that is spoken at Mass today; no song, no matter how well played or expertly sung; no icon or stained-glass window that catches our eye is as important, as wonderful, as awe-inspiring and life-changing as the Eucharist we share, now, here and everywhere.

            We come, invited to the Lord’s Table, and are blessed as we commune. And because of the blessings we share, our Lord’s Table is mirrored at innumerable other tables — not only in homes and in restaurants where the faithful bow their heads before a meal for a word of grace, but on the grounds of every parish, small and large, rich and poor, where bread is broken in fellowship — a foretaste of the great banquet to come.

            Sometimes the earthly meal we share after Mass is purchased here, on our grounds. Not only do the ministries of our parish benefit others, but we are also able to share fellowship through favorite dishes made by our faithful people.


Gouging in the temple

            But today’s gospel is disconcerting —Jesus is angry! Our Lord Jesus is angry because there is money changing hands on the temple grounds. In his righteous anger, tables are upset, animals are released and merchants and moneychangers are driven away!

            Is that commerce in the temple similar to the ladies of the Guadalupe Society selling tamales after church or the Knights of Columbus hosting a Lenten fish fry? Are we angering our Lord Jesus for the same thing condemned in the gospels?

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