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Reading: Matthew 22:1–14
RCL: Proper 23  LFM: Ordinary Time 28  BCP: Proper 23  LSB: Pentecost 18 Legend
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A Seat at the Banquet


This harsh-sounding parable reminds us that accepting the invitation to the banquet is not enough. We should begin to prepare ourselves for the future kingdom of heaven by showing love, compassion and courage now.

            We’ve all experienced the crush of feeling left out. Even in childhood, we might have been excluded from a party. In our teen years, perhaps we don’t make the team. In young adulthood, we might then face the sting of rejection or the feeling of looking in from the outside. All of our friends have married, but the right one hasn’t come along for us. Or we sent our application to our favorite school, but we didn’t make the cut. The economists may argue about the optimal unemployment rate, but we sign our name to form after form, yet we hunch by a silent phone, wishing a job would come our way.

            Only some of us have experienced being thrown out, however. We may have watched someone who caused a scene — after one too many drinks, perhaps — be tossed out of a bar or party. Tossed out may feel worse than left out. Tossed out happens in front of everyone. We have no place to hide. Our dignity hits the door before we do. We may have the benefit of solitude when being left out, but being tossed out means public humiliation: hands pulling you in the wrong direction, a struggle, tempers flaring. Left out feels sad; tossed out feels degrading.


The parable of exclusion

            Because being thrown out feels terrible and humiliating, we might be surprised that one of Jesus’ parables ends with someone thrown out. We prefer Jesus’ parables that end in abundant harvest, such as the parable of the sower,1 or with joy, such as the parable of the treasure in the field.2 Those parables end with grace, with God’s triumph. We might expect a parable of Jesus to contain a

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