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Reading: John 1:6–28
RCL: Advent 3  LFM: Advent 3  BCP: Advent 3  LSB: Advent 3 Legend
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Witness to the Light


John the Baptist came to “witness to the light.” We have a similar task. This is a world invaded by far too much darkness. As Christ’s followers, let us announce that the darkness of the world can be overcome through the heavenly light which comes from Christ.

            Once in a while, if we really study people, we may well spot a person who seems infused with great goodness and righteousness. Maybe his or her face reveals a special glow. Or perhaps his or her demeanor hints of genuine concern and sincerity. And, if we begin a conversation with such a person, it usually is not long before we sense that the person has something very special, perhaps a hint of holiness.

            Well, such feelings began to emerge among many people in first-century Palestine when they saw and heard Jesus’ fascinating cousin, John the Baptist. Now there was a person who had great charisma. He had a spiritual magnetism that drew people to him. And he spoke so authoritatively that large numbers, who went out in the wilderness where he lived, believed he was proclaiming a vital message from God which needed to be heard.

            What was the thrust of his message? Mainly, it was that the people of his nation needed a complete change of heart and a change of lifestyle as well. They needed to repent of their sins and turn their lives around to serve God.

            Many of John’s listeners felt compelled to follow him down to the Jordan River where he baptized anyone willing to accept his challenge. The immersion part of baptism was a symbol of the death and burial of their old self and the coming out of the water was a symbol of the new life they intended to live.

            Repentance and baptis

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