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Reading: Joel 2:1–17
RCL: Ash Wednesday  LFM: Ash Wednesday  BCP: Ash Wednesday  LSB: Ash Wednesday Legend
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When a U–Turn Is Legal


If you find yourself driving in the wrong direction, you've got to turn around to get where you want to be. That's also true spiritually, so the prophet Joel calls us at the beginning of Lent to "return," to come back to God. We are led on that journey back to God by Jesus. Receiving him in the Word, prayer, alms and fasting are parts of Lent that help us to return and to stay close to God.

 You've left Dallas and are driving south toward Houston, making good time on the interstate, when suddenly you notice a sign that tells you that you're heading north, toward Oklahoma City! Somehow you must have gotten on the wrong entrance ramp back in the city. What should you do? Well, of course - what any normal person would do: drive faster!
 Most of us realize that that's not a very good way to get where you want to go. Oh, you might speed up, but only to get to the next exit so you can turn around and get going back in the right direction. If you're going the wrong way, you'll reach your destination only if you're willing to turn around.
 That's what the prophet Joel tells the people of Israel to do in our reading for this Ash Wednesday: "Return to the LORD, your God." He's not talking about travel along a physical road but is using a Hebrew word that's commonly found in the Old Testament to speak about repentance. It's a word that means literally to "turn around" or "come back." You belong with God but you've been moving away from him, putting other things ahead of God. And the only way to get back where you belong is to turn around.
 We can hear that call at any season of the year and at any time during our lives. If you realize that you've been getting farther and farther away from God, you don't have to wait for some special day before you start back. For the people of Jo

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