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Reading: Mark 10:2–16
RCL: Proper 22  LFM: Ordinary Time 27  BCP: Proper 22  LSB: Pentecost 18 Legend
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What God Has Joined Together


Divorce is an intensely emotional issue which often places a burden on people that they cannot easily carry. Jesus was as compassionate about those who suffered from divorce as he was about those who were hurting for other reasons. He made it clear that people “on the outside” were not to interfere with a marriage’s natural growth. On the other hand, there are some God-honoring things we can do to help the husbands and wives in our community stay together.

“Divorce was never an option for Ruth and me,” said Billy Graham, “murder, perhaps, but never divorce.”

            Of course, the great evangelist was saying this tongue-in-cheek, but church leaders are finding out more and more that just saying “divorce is not an option” is not preventing a lot of marriage dissolutions. In fact, this saying, along with the often-quoted “God hates divorce” in Micah, is making those who have experienced a broken marriage or sadly find themselves in the midst of one, feel cut off from God and their congregation.

            In addition, we lament the statistics that say divorce among Christians is at the same percentage as those who claim no faith, but is that really true? The matter of mutual consent, and dare we even say it, the relative innocence of one of the spouses, is rarely taken into account when citing these statistics. Is a Christian involved in a divorce because his or her spouse is fooling around or remorselessly abusive? Should we really call that a “Christian marriage”? If not, should we include these situations in the statistics?

            It would seem unfair to do so.


Jesus and the Pharisees

            Jesus was intensely concerned about the unjust practices, and assumptions, that surrounded divorce during his earthly ministry, and, of course, in our day as well.

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