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Reading: Matthew 2:13–23
RCL: Christmas 1  LFM: Holy Family  LSB: Christmas 1 Legend
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Walking in the Dark


Joseph was not the only one to be told to take a walk in the dark to a place he had never been. He was not the only one called to lead his family to safety. Each of us is called to take our family to the only safe place there is, a place of holiness. The walk may be difficult. It may have to be taken in the dark of doubt or even the dark of not knowing. But ours is a God who walks with us and who can be counted on to bring us home.

            It might be interesting to put ourselves in Joseph’s sandals in the gospel story we have just read. Remember that he has already traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Had he flown directly, the trip would have been in the neighborhood of 60 miles. But no flights were available. He walked, and by the meandering trails he would have had to take, the distance would have been considerably longer. One more thing, he was not wearing New Balance, Nikes, Asics or any other brand of walking shoe that we may take for granted. Nor were first-century sandals of the arched and molded Merrell or Clarks variety. So it is safe to say that he was a tired man with tired feet. Next, although he was not the one to have given birth to Jesus, he may well have pulled an all-nighter or two since the night of that storied event. So let your imagination roll and put yourself in his place.

            Just when you think you will finally get a well-deserved sleep, you are awakened by an angel whom you more than likely have never seen before. The angel tells you that it is time to hit the road again and take another walk. This time, the destination is Egypt, some 200 miles away and with a woman and young child in tow to boot. The question is not so much how you might feel as what you would do.

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