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Reading: Mark 9:38–48
RCL: Proper 21  LFM: Ordinary Time 26  BCP: Proper 21  LSB: Pentecost 16 Legend
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Us vs. Us


Jesus challenges his disciples’ narrow vision concerning what is for and what is against the Gospel. In life, functions such as medicine, law, education and other things that do not actively oppose the Christian faith actually support it.

            The 1996 movie hit Independence Day tells the story of what might happen if a hostile alien force invaded earth. Throughout the first two-thirds of the movie, we watch as superior alien technology systematically destroys major cities and military installations. Only a few human resources are left when a weakness is finally discovered in the alien technological armor. With all satellite and radio communications disrupted by the aliens, the earthlings resurrect the old dots and dashes of Morse code and unite the scattered forces around the world for one last strike against the enemy.

            The scenes portraying this final unification are very dramatic. Military forces hiding in Russia, China, the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, Australia, Europe and of course the Untied States, all join together to fight as one people. The political, ethnic and even religious divisions that once separated the people of earth into warring clans disappear in the face of a catastrophic outside threat. The people of earth are forced to admit in the face of a common enemy that there is more to unite them than there is to divide them.

            Although not used in the movie, Jesus’ words to his disciples would certainly have applied. When it comes right down to it, when all pretense and posturing is removed and we are allowed to be human with each other, “Whoever is not against us is for us.”


The us vs. them tendency

            The disciples engage, of course, in a familiar behavioral pattern. They have recently embrace J

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