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Reading: John 6:51–58
RCL: Proper 15  LFM: Ordinary Time 20  BCP: Proper 15  LSB: Pentecost 10 Legend
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Unless You Eat


Try as we will, we cannot outsmart death. Only by eating spiritual bread do we have eternal life. We have to eat to live.

            Two guys were working on a car when they took a break and sat down in the front yard to ponder the next step. While they were sitting there, they noticed the neighbor’s cat lapping up gasoline that they had poured in a pan for cleaning dirty parts. Before they could do anything to stop it, the cat began to run frantically. It started going in circles at a wild speed; ran up a tree; jumped over on the roof of the house; leaped onto a trellis; ran down the trellis and again started running in circles. This crazed activity went on for about four minutes until finally the cat stopped dead in its tracks and dropped over. One of the men rushed to examine the cat as the other called out, “Is it dead?”

            “No,” the first man answered, “just out of gas.”


Struggles persist

            When’s the last time you felt like you were out of gas? When did you feel so thoroughly drained in body and spirit that you just wanted to stay in bed, or not leave the house? Life is demanding, and in spite of our technological and scientific progress as a society, life has not really gotten any easier. Life may be projected to last longer in the 21st century, and our modern conveniences might continue to multiply, but day-to-day struggles will persist.

            Jesus knew that some things would never change. People would always be hungry. Food would always be important. And there would always be a spiritual longing deep inside every human being.


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