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Reading: John 1:6–28
RCL: Advent 3  LFM: Advent 3  BCP: Advent 3  LSB: Advent 3 Legend
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The Why of Our Lives


As interesting as the answers to questions about where we were born or how we were raised might be, the reason we were born is of far more importance. One reason is for us to be an advertisement for the God in whose image we were created. We have a model for this in the person of John the Baptist.

            Most of us have been asked at one time or another where we were born. Probably we’ve also been asked where we were raised or how we grew up. It’s a safe bet, however, that not many of us have ever been asked why we were born or why we are still alive.

            That line of questioning may be the kind of thing arm chair philosophers muse about, but it is seldom the topic of water-cooler conversation, party talk or family dinner discussions.

            The questions that revolve around the place or the circumstance of our birth may be interesting. How we grew up may be intriguing to family members or others who are close to us. But beyond their informational or even entertainment value, the answers to those questions are not nearly as important as the answers as to why we were born or even why we are still alive. The answers concerning the place or even the circumstances of our birth do not have the power to provide direction or meaning to our lives in the way that the why of our birth and our life does.

            So why were we born? Why did the Creator of the entire cosmos see fit to include each of us in the total picture of this vast universe? If our birth was simply an accident, then God does not have the power that we ascribe to a Divine Intelligence. If, on the other hand, each of us has a purpose, it behooves us to discover what that purpose is.

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