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Reading: Matthew 25:31–46
RCL: Christ the King  LFM: Christ the King  BCP: Proper 29 (Christ the King)  LSB: Last Sunday (Christ The King) Legend
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The Truth Comes Out at Last


The final judgment will reveal the truth about God and the world for all to see. In Matthew’s parable of the judgment, the ruler of creation is shown to be the one who identifies himself with those in need. That is a pattern shown to us in Christ. And the value of our lives will be judged by how faithful we have been to that pattern.

            We’ve been hearing selections from Matthew’s gospel throughout this past year and have come to the end of Jesus’ public ministry. Now, before our Lord’s passion, which begins in the next chapter, we hear a parable about the final judgment of the world. It’s a familiar text, but we might ask why it’s necessary. If God knows our hearts and minds and our histories better than we know ourselves, why is there any need for this cosmic court drama? Why can’t the righteous and the wicked just be sent off to their final destinations without further ado?

            Perhaps that’s because more is involved here than just the fates of individuals. We miss the point of this parable if we hear it simply as information about why some people will go to heaven and some to hell. The larger purpose of the judgment is to make clear to all creation the truth about God and the world. The good will be vindicated beyond any possible challenge, the evil will be shown to be evil beyond any excuse, and it will be beyond question that “the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.”1 That final judgment is proclaimed by the king.


The king

            Who is this king? A silly question, you may say. Of course it’s Jesus. But let’s not jump to that answer too quickly. The gospel writer doesn’t name the king here but instead tells us what kind of king he is.

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