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Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:26–31
RCL: Epiphany 4  LFM: Ordinary Time 4  BCP: Epiphany 4  LSB: Epiphany 4 Legend
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The Source of Our Lives


It is only as we live “in Christ” that we overcome disunity and quarrelsomeness with others. Focusing upon God will prevent us from being self-righteous, petty and small-minded.

The amazing reality about the coming of Christ is the profound difference he has made in the lives of those who have sincerely linked up with him. Whenever we have an opportunity to listen to a person who has received Christ as Savior, we are likely to hear such words as these: “Before I accepted Christ I merely existed, but now I have discovered real life. I was confused but now I have clarity. I was blind but now I see.”
     Many of us could say something like those words. And if you can’t, then we want you to know now that God wants to help you find the highest quality of life possible. A joyous life. A meaningful life. An abundant life.

Paul’s message to Corinth

     When St. Paul wrote his first letter to the Corinthian church, he wanted the members to remember the condition of their lives before they became Christians.
     He pointed out that most of them did not amount to much. “Not many of you were wise by human standards,” Paul wrote, “not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth.” In other words, they were mostly of the poorer class, not well-educated, “low and despised in the world” as Paul put it.
     Corinth, the city in which they lived, was a Grecian seaport on the Mediterranean. Most of the members of the church there were likely ordinary people. They worked as dock hands, traders, shopkeepers, sailors and the like. Common folks, mostly.
     When the learned missionary, Paul, visited Corinth, he did not use sophisticated language. He reminded the Corinthians in his first letter that he

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