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Reading: Luke 17:11–19
RCL: Proper 23  LFM: Ordinary Time 28  BCP: Proper 23  LSB: Pentecost 20 Legend
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The Power of Gratitude


Gratitude to God is not only the proper response for his gifts to us; it is also the response that helps us receive wholeness.

One of the earliest lessons many parents teach their children is the practice of certain basic courtesies. We are taught to say “please” when we ask for something and “thank you” when we receive something.

            As time goes on, these practices become so much a part of our daily routine that we do them without thinking about them. Someone opens a door for us and we mutter “Thanks” as we rush by. A server in a restaurant brings us a second cup of coffee and we smile and say, “Thank you.” A coworker shares some homemade brownies with everyone in the office and we all say a perfunctory “That was nice of you.”

            But in the act of worship, saying “thank you” takes on a far more profound meaning. In worship the words are addressed to God, and their purpose is to express gratitude for life itself. Beyond any particular blessing or gift we think we may have received from God, our very existence is God’s gift. And our proper response is to give thanks.

            The story of the 10 lepers certainly reinforces our understanding of the importance of gratitude. In fact, it is the only instance recorded in the New Testament where Jesus is thanked directly for an act of kindness. And Jesus’ response to the leper who thanks him suggests that there may be more to a proper thank you than mere dutiful courtesy. Jesus seems to suggest that in the expression of thanks is a power that is able to transform an individual’s life in ways that far outweigh the mere healing of a disease.


The power of a proper gratitude

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