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Reading: Matthew 11:25–30
RCL: Proper 9  LFM: Ordinary Time 14  BCP: Proper 9  LSB: Pentecost 7 Legend
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The Best Part of the Most Gracious Offer


Most of the time we leave out of Jesus’ invitation the best part of all: when our burden is lifted, we will be able to bear God’s yoke.

     A few moments ago you heard two dozen or so of the most attractive words ever spoken in any language. By now, those words have been spoken and printed in some two thousand different tongues. The words were spoken originally in Aramaic, then printed in Greek, and after that in Latin and in a variety of tongues spoken in Asia, Africa and Europe. Many of those tongues are now forgotten, but the message in that little paragraph lives as brightly and hopefully as ever. And although you heard the words only a few moments ago, here they are again so you can ponder them anew - because, you see, many of us are at a disadvantage when we hear these words, simply because we have heard them so often that they no longer startle us with their sheer beauty and their indescribable promise. Listen:
     Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
     These words were originally spoken by a wandering teacher, Jesus of Nazareth, the one we now call Jesus the Christ, the Son of God. As the Gospel of Matthew reports it, Jesus spoke these words as something of a conclusion to a rather strong sermon. He had condemned some of the cities where he had preached and healed the sick, because they had not repented and turned to God.

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