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Reading: Mark 8:27–38   (Verses 27–35 for LFM)
RCL: Proper 19  LFM: Ordinary Time 24  BCP: Proper 19  LSB: Pentecost 16 Legend
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These verses are the climax of Mark’s gospel. What has come before in the gospel finds completion in Peter’s claim that Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus’ rebuke of Peter and his foreshadowing of the Cross show the direction that this completion will take in the immediate future — and in the coming centuries. Here Jesus responds to earlier requests for a sign with the sign of the Cross.

            Chapter 8 is the climax of Mark’s gospel. Yes, there are 16 chapters in the gospel, so yes, there are still eight chapters to go. Nevertheless, here at this midpoint — especially in these nine verses — everything that has come before arrives at the point of fulfillment. What will follow in this story of the earthly life of Jesus will flow directly out of the understandings brought to completion here.

            Right up to this point in the gospel, others have confronted Jesus with a lack of comprehension coupled with peremptory demands for a “sign.” He has fed 5,000 people in the wilderness with five loaves of bread and two fish. Five loaves, two fish, 5,000 people — yet there was enough to feed them all, plus 12 baskets left over. And just a while after that, Jesus fed 4,000 people with seven loaves of bread, and there were seven baskets of leftovers. After all this, Pharisees come to him seeking ... a sign? Give us some kind of sign, they say, to show us that you’re the real deal. Five thousand fed with five loaves and two fish, with 12 baskets of leftovers; 4,000 served with seven loaves, and seven baskets of leftovers. Still, they want a sign. Give us a real sign, they say — and Jesus sighs and says that there will be no sign for this generation. It’s as if to say, if the signs you’ve been given already aren’t enough, don’t bother looking for any more.

            Jesus’ 12 most faithful followers aren’t much better. In a boat, crossing the sea after the second miraculous feeding and the encounter with the Pharisees, Jesus talks to them about yeast, and they think he’s talking about ... yeast! Well, okay, I suppose they might be excused for that. But still, Jesus is speaking in metaphors, as he so often does; he is feeding them signs, and they’re not reading them at all. “Truly I tell you, no sign will be given to this generation,”1 is what he says to the Pharisees and, I suppose, to anyone seeking a sign. He might just as well have said, “I’ve been gi

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