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Reading: John 2:1–11   (Verses 1–12 for LFM)
RCL: Epiphany 2  LFM: Ordinary Time 2  BCP: Epiphany 2  LSB: Epiphany 2 Legend
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Signifying, Purifying, Partying


In this story of Jesus’ “coming out” at a wedding in a small town in Galilee, we are given a foreshadowing of what Jesus will do on behalf of God’s people. Jesus’ presence with us is a sign, pointing beyond itself to a new kind of purification. Our only response to this new kind of purification needs to be celebration — a party welcoming to our midst the very presence of God.

            “On the third day ....” This is our introduction to the second chapter of the Gospel of John. It comes immediately on the heels of a rather lengthy first chapter. That first chapter has been a preparation. Jesus is introduced by John the Baptist in verse 29 to us, the readers, as “... the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” Disciples of John, credulous at first about this no-count rabbi from the no-count little burg of Nazareth, become Jesus’ amazed followers. And then — an invitation to a wedding! And at this wedding comes the first significant “happening” in Jesus’ ministry — the “inaugural event of Jesus’ ministry,” as a commentator points out.1 Perhaps one of the more famous of Jesus’ miracles, one about which you have no doubt heard a joke or two: the changing of water into wine.

            This, John’s gospel tells us, is the first of Jesus’ signs. Very well, then. Where does this sign point? What does this sign sign-ify? The first thing we need to understand is that this miracle is indeed a signpost, pointing beyond itself to something greater than itself. It is not simply a magic trick done to amaze or confound. That is what is being communicated between the lines by the telling of this story. We can see this right in verse 1, which begins with that portentous sentence, “On the third day ....” This, the first of Jesus’ signs, points to the last and greatest of the signs: the Resurrection, which also happened on the third day. The earliest readers of this gospel would have been aware of this. So, of course, are we. Something is about to happen that shares sign-ificance with, and that begins the journey to, the Resurrection.

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