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Reading: Luke 19:1–10
RCL: Proper 26  LFM: Ordinary Time 31  BCP: Proper 26  LSB: Pentecost 23 Legend
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Reaching Out to the Outcast


Those who have been rejected by society are often the most open to the reconciling power of the Gospel. We are to follow Jesus’ example of offering an open hand to the outcast, because, when all is said and done, each one of us started as an outcast in the eyes of God.

Outcasts often have very powerful stories.

            Jim’s brother was shot and killed in a bad drug deal that was set up by a guy named Henry. The murder weapon was a 12-gauge shotgun, so Jim went to his weapons dealer to get the same kind of gun to kill Henry. The dealer knew what Jim had in mind, and so refused to sell him the firearm. In the meantime, Henry disappeared, and Jim was left to stew in his bitterness and rage.

            Jim’s overwhelming desire for revenge found another outlet, and he ended up in prison for putting a guy in the hospital. While Jim was incarcerated, he decided that the only things he would eat while he was there were bread, fruit and milk. So, he would trade with other prisoners at lunch to get what he wanted.

            Then, one day, Henry showed up in the chow line.

            Prior to this encounter, Jim had hooked up with one of the ministries in prison and decided to give his life to Christ. Now, seeing Henry, Jim faced the first test of his newfound faith. Not really knowing what to do, Jim started trading with Henry for his bread, fruit and milk. After taking that first step, Jim was able to eventually forgive Henry for what he had done.

            A decade later, Jim and Henry are in the same Sunday school in a church that reaches out to ex-cons.

            These two outcasts have very powerful stories to tell.


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