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Reading: Matthew 16:13–20
RCL: Proper 16  LFM: Ordinary Time 21  BCP: Proper 16  LSB: Pentecost 15 Legend
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Point of No Return


Peter’s confession of Jesus’ identity represents a point of no return for both Jesus and his disciples. Jesus challenges his followers to confess his identity and then unleashes them to serve in his mission.

            In 49 B.C., the bold and ambitious Julius Caesar had arrived at the border of Italy with his entire army. Italy was separated from its provinces by the Rubicon River. As it was unlawful and treasonous for a Roman general to travel into Italy with a standing army, Caesar had a fateful decision before him. To cross the Rubicon into Italy with his army would mean that he had moved past the point of no return. Caesar chose to risk everything and moved his army ahead. This course of action set him into opposition with the Roman Senate, but there was no going back. This decisive move propelled Caesar into power over Rome and changed the course of world history.

            Caesarea Philippi was Jesus’ Rubicon. He had traveled the countryside. His fame and notoriety had increased with each healing that he performed, with every demon that he cast out, with every compelling and penetrating teaching that he gave and with every encounter with the religious authorities in which he had showed them up. His band of 12 disciples had been following him wherever he traveled. Now the moment had arrived.

            Jesus could not have picked a better place in Palestine to affirm openly his true identity. Caesarea Philippi was an ancient site. Centuries before, the location had served as a center for the worship of pagan deities. Now in Jesus’ day, Caesarea Philippi was a Roman provincial capital. A temple had been erected by Herod II in honor of Caesar Augustus. Thus Caesarea Philippi symbolized the power and prestige of Rome. It was in this place where Jesus and his disciples reached the point of no return.

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