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Reading: 1 Samuel 1:26–28
RCL: Mothers Day  LFM: Mothers Day  BCP: Mothers Day  LSB: Mothers Day Legend
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Parents — Partners with the Lord


Even though Mother’s Day is not a religious holiday or spiritual observance in origin, the Bible certainly gives evidence that motherhood and parenthood are God’s training ground for Christian values.

Parents have frequently become the favorite whipping posts of psychologists and clergy persons, truant officers and school principals everywhere. If little Billy goes a step astray, we can blame it on his parents, because they are not very stable themselves. If Susy gets caught with something “naughty”, it’s because her mother dyes her hair and smokes cigarettes. If Junior runs into somebody with his tricycle, it’s probably because his dad is known to drive with a “heavy foot” and the “pedal to the metal.” Just about every time some interested group meets to try to solve a community problem, someone suggests that the problem and the real blame can be clearly traced to the parents! One sometimes gets the impression that if we could just find a way to eliminate parents, the world would be a better place in which to live! Yes, folks, parents regularly take it on the chin! Someone has said that new parents, especially, are so ill-equipped and inadequate for the task of child-rearing that the first child should be plastic!

Mother’s Day, too, regularly “takes it on the chin” as nothing more than a cap­italist promotion. Some suggest that Mother’s Day was invited by florists, choco­late candy makers, and the American Restaurant Association. Even amongst the clergy it has sometimes been sarcastically referred to as “St. Mother’s Day,” an allusion to the reality that the day is often devoted to a syrupy eulogizing of moth­erhood - to the embarrassment of mothers-and the benefit of no one.

Perhaps you heard the quip about a teacher who was trying to teach her class about magnets. When she had completed the lesson, it came time for the question period. The teacher thought she would start with a really simple question: “My name starts with an “M”, I have six letters, and I am always picking something up. What am I?” A little tyke in the front row raised his hand and burst forth with an answer instantly. “I know … you’re a Mother!”

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