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Reading: Luke 3:1–6
RCL: Advent 2  LFM: Advent 2  BCP: Advent 2  LSB: Advent 2 Legend
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No More Than 10 Percent


When the ways of the world are chosen over the ways of God, the road to God becomes crooked. John the Baptist is not the only one called to straighten the road, fill the valleys and level the hills that stand between God and those who claim to believe in God. The events in our nation and our world constantly challenge us to either accept that call or to separate our faith from the decisions we make. The choice we make in this matter will determine the legacy we leave our children.

            Sixty-two years ago tomorrow President Franklin Delano Roosevelt stood in a joint session of the congress of the United States and made a proclamation concerning this date in history. Referring to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, he said that December 7th would forever be known as “a day of infamy.” December 7, 1941, happened to be a Sunday, just as it is this year.

            However, on December 7th of this year, in a new and supposedly more sophisticated century, we have something in common with the people who made up America in that dark time, something far more ominous than a shared date. We are still a violent people who inhabit a violent world.

            We continue to proclaim Jesus the Prince of Peace. We continue to quote his warning that those who live by the sword will die by the sword. We still maintain that he spoke the truth when He said that he is the way and the truth and the life. But we also continue to trust our violent ways over the example that he gave us. In so many ways we maintain the same priorities today as people did then. The endorsers of violence today are more global than they are national, but at the same time, our own nation has in many ways bought into it as much as any other. Bel

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