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Reading: Mark 12:28–34
RCL: Proper 26  LFM: Ordinary Time 31  BCP: Proper 26  LSB: Pentecost 22 Legend
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Living Without Instructions


Jesus summarized the Law of Moses in two commands: loving God and loving our neighbor. This summary and the Ten Commandments behind them give us what we need to make decisions in the ambiguous situations of life.

Have you ever wished that God had given us more than 10 commandments?

            If you’re like me, your first reaction may be, “Oh please, I haven’t always lived up to all 10 of the ones we’ve got.”

            But if you think about it for a few moments, you’ll probably agree that it would be useful to have a definitive word from God on some of the subjects about which even Christians sometimes disagree.

            For example, there are sincere Christians on both sides of the debate on gun control, gambling, social drinking and other hot topics in our society.

            But even beyond those heavy issues, we know what it is like to find ourselves in complicated circumstances with no clear guidance from God about exactly what is right in that situation. For example:

  • What is the right way to treat a child after he’s done something wrong?
  • What should we do about the coworker we saw steal an item from work?
  • How should we handle demands by our children to be allowed to do things that we’re uneasy about but which other parents are letting their children do?
  • How should we react when our spouse is irritable and cranky day in and day out?

            We could go on with examples, but you get the idea. Some of the dilemmas are ethical and some are simply the practica

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