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Reading: Matthew 5:13–20   (Verses 13–16 for LFM)
RCL: Epiphany 5  LFM: Ordinary Time 5  BCP: Epiphany 5  LSB: Epiphany 5 Legend
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Let There Be Your Light


A ceremony sometimes used as part of the baptismal service helps highlight the fact that Christians are the light of the world because they have received the light of Christ. But it is really the light of the world only if it isn’t hidden, only if it’s allowed to shine. We do that through our witness to what God has done in Christ, through our actions and our words.

            There’s an old tradition observed in some churches of giving a newly baptized person a candle, accompanied by some of the words from today’s gospel: “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” It’s a good custom with some obvious symbolism, but it would be embarrassing if people in the congregation first looked expectant and then started saying, “But where’s the light? Let it shine!”

            Oh, there’s one thing I guess I forgot to mention. The candle that’s given to the person should be lit!

            If we count ourselves among Jesus disciples and think seriously about his statement to us that “You are the light of the world,” we might wonder if we’re going to be left in a position like that of the person standing at the front of the church with an unlit candle. Jesus’ words are addressed to all of his disciples — the “you” there is plural — but they say something about each individual Christian. In some way, each one of us is to be part of a figurative light that provides discernment and guidance and wisdom for the world, a light that keeps the world from just stumbling around in the dark. And we wonder how we can do that. After all, we need discernment and wisdom and guidance ourselves. We need someone to give us light!

            Exactly! It’s just like the situation with that newly baptized person who has to be given not a bare candle, but a lighted one. We have to receive the light in order to be the light.

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