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Reading: Isaiah 60:1–6
RCL: Epiphany  LFM: Epiphany  BCP: Epiphany  LSB: Epiphany Legend
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Leaving the Light On


The light came upon the Israelites who had suffered through captivity in Babylon. The light of Christ has also come upon the people living in other places of darkness today. This light shines brightly in Epiphany when we bask in the glory of the Christ child.

In talking about her childhood, one young woman tells about how much she loved bath time. Bath time was an occasion to play. She looked forward to filling the tub with plastic toys and bubble bath. Then she slid into the tub and played until her skin was wrinkled like a prune.

            But then she added that the only bad thing about bath time was that bath time led to bedtime, which for her, meant not a fun time but a dark time. It left her with one wish: for the light to come. Now she says that the light did often come -- in the form of a closet light her parents left on for her, with the closet door cracked just enough for a small amount of light to seep out and cover a corner of her dark room. She concludes by speaking biblically: “The light shined in the darkness, providing just enough comfort and security for me to sleep through the night.”

            Probably many of us have had similar experiences in childhood with the darkness of night. For most, those fears have moderated as we’ve grown up, but we remain people who love the light. We are people who long to see the light, to walk on a path that is well lit. We prefer the sun over the moon. We enjoy the day more than we enjoy the night. We like the known over the unknown. We long to see the light.


A people needing light


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