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Reading: Luke 12:32–40
RCL: Proper 14  LFM: Ordinary Time 19  BCP: Proper 14  LSB: Pentecost 11 Legend
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Leave Room for the Unexpected


While anticipating Jesus’ return, we should neither become so preoccupied with his return that we neglect the day-to-day kingdom work nor become complacent about his return. The goal is this: While we are waiting, keep on serving.

Many people choose their vocation based on what might be called the “cadence” of their personality. Some like a predictable routine: into the office at 8 a.m. and out promptly at 5 p.m. They like the weekly tempo of having certain meetings on certain days. Sometimes when they go on vacation, they’re a bit restless for a few days because their rhythm has been temporarily interrupted.

            Many people who work from home offices get up at exactly the same time every weekday. That’s because even though no employer is on hand to check when they sit down at their desks, these workers know that a structured schedule is even more essential if they are to get work done without the crutch of an on-site supervisor. But if a home-worker’s child gets sick and has to stay home from school, it may result in a dramatic drop in that worker’s productivity for that day. That’s because the routine has been changed.

            Compare those people with others who thrive on work where structured routine is seldom possible — people such as police officers, firefighters and emergency-room technicians. They have to be in a constant state of “active readiness,” prepared for any number of crises that are likely to cross their paths. They may have hours of relative peace and calm, but then suddenly something some emergency intrudes. And when it happens, they’re emotionally prepared and mentally awake.


Two reactions

            In today’s passage from Luke 12, Jesus reminds his followers that when it comes to being prepared for his return, they need to be actively ready, regardless of the cadence of their personalities. However, throughout church history, the fo

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