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Reading: Matthew 21:33–46
RCL: Proper 22  LFM: Ordinary Time 27  BCP: Proper 22  LSB: Pentecost 21 Legend
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Hostile Takeover


Jesus told a parable about a vineyard owner who rented his fields to farmer-tenants who then refused to pay the rent. It reminds us that nothing really belongs to us and that everything we have is a gift of God. It also suggests that one day, God may call us to “collect the rent” from a hostile group of people who need to experience the grace of God.

            During the 1980s, hostile corporate takeovers were a common feature in the business world. In order to take a company over without the owner’s or board’s consent, the would-be conqueror had to make a “public tender offer.” He or she would offer to buy stock from the current stockholders at a substantial premium over the current price of the stock. If enough of the stockholders accepted the offer, the hostile bidder gained a controlling share of the company and assumed ownership without the target firm’s approval. Because this happened so often, Congress passed several laws at the end of the Reagan era that made it increasingly difficult for these aggressive acquisitions to succeed.


A first-century takeover

            Jesus told a parable that described a first-century hostile takeover of a man’s agricultural business by the very people he trusted to operate it. Their treachery was eventually overcome, but only after a series of significant losses to the landowner.

            In the parable, a vineyard owner rented his land to farmer-tenants. Then he went on a trip, possibly to look after other business interests. Of course, he expected a return on his vineyard investment, and the tenants had apparently agreed to give him a portion of their harvest. So when the time came, the landowner sent some servants to collect the agreed-upon share.


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