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Reading: Luke 2:41–52
RCL: Christmas 1  LFM: Holy Family  BCP: Christmas 1  LSB: Christmas 1 Legend
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Home But Not Alone


Families, whatever their structure, are the places where we are called to make holiness happen by becoming what God has made us to be. The tasks in bringing this about are not always easy, and in the process, we can be lost from each other. How we learn from these moments together can make our families what they are meant to be, holy families.

Many of us have seen the movie, Home Alone. It is a comedy about what happens when a family who goes off on Christmas vacation to France only to accidentally leave their 8-year-old at home. Macauley Culkin plays the role of the child left behind. The premise may seem a bit outlandish but not much more so than the amusing antics of the home alone child as he outsmarts some bungling would-be burglars. Almost in the background of the movie is the frantic attempt of the parents to make contact with their lost child.


Left behind

            Just last week we celebrated the birth of Jesus, a birth that even in its wonder had its difficulties. However, parents know that the birth of a child is just the beginning, and Mary and Joseph were no exception. Today we see their young son left behind when they leave town. Like the parents in the movie, when they discover the mistake, they are frantic, as any parents would be. In the meantime, the story focuses on Jesus as he astounds the teachers in the temple. He is a 12-year-old with an audience and seems to be fending quite well for himself, not the least bit concerned about his parents. And this is the holy family.

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