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Reading: Luke 4:1–13
RCL: Lent 1  LFM: Lent 1  BCP: Lent 1  LSB: Lent 1 Legend
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Give God a Chance


Just as Jesus was tempted in the wilderness to give up his mission, so Satan will tempt us to quit. What we need is the vision to give God a chance and defeat the enemy at his own game.

            Ron was an aging golfer with poor eyesight. He’d hit the ball, but couldn’t see where it went. So the golf pro suggested Ron team up with Ralph. “Ralph,” the golf pro said, “may be getting old but he has eyes like an eagle.” So Ron took that advice and teamed up with Ralph.

            On their first tee Ron hit a long drive. “Did you see where it went?” asked Ron. “Sure I did!” said Ralph, “But I don’t remember where it landed.”

            A father once said to his son, “There are three kinds of sight: hindsight, eyesight, and foresight, and you’ll need to use all three if you are to be a man of vision.” I believe it was Ted Kennedy who, in the eulogy for his slain brother Robert, quoted his brother’s vision as, “People see the things that are and ask, ‘Why?’ I see the things that never were and ask, ‘Why not?’”

            Why not equality for women? Why not an end to hunger, disease and war? Why not an end to poverty, bigotry and senseless violence? Why not a lasting peace in our time? I once heard a college professor answer the question of “Why not?” He said the reason injustice will always be part of our human condition is because people lack the political persistence to make the vision come true. He said that when the going gets tough, even the toughest people will quit.


Spiritual vision


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