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Reading: Luke 10:1–20
RCL: Proper 9  LFM: Ordinary Time 14  BCP: Proper 9  LSB: Pentecost 5 Legend
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Free to Worship, Free to Witness


We should be exceedingly grateful for our country. We are free to worship and we are free to witness on behalf of Christ. In many countries Christians are hampered, even persecuted, sometimes killed for their faith. Be glad for America. Jesus knew that witnessing would not always be easy. That is why when he sent the group of 70 followers out, he told them that he was sending them out “like lambs in the midst of wolves.” Being a true and zealous Christian has its problems. Nevertheless, Christ told us to let our shine.

            Independence Day! The Fourth of July. Be very grateful. We come in freedom to worship our God. That is our privilege. No one to oppose us. No laws to hinder us. No one will be beaten, jailed, or killed for lifting up Christ our Lord. How greatly blessed we are.

            Consider the many nations where Christians are persecuted today. A Christian group has a site on the Internet called Compass Direct. Compass Direct keeps a detailed account of Christians who are currently suffering from discrimination. During one week last November they listed 23 places where Christians were hampered and hurt, some killed. Here are just eight out of 23 headlines telling of the abuse of Christians:

·        Vietnam: Intense persecution of Christians revealed; pastor tortured like Jesus

·        Sri Lanka: Christians face future attacks

·        Nigeria: Convert to Christianity attacked for refusing to renounce Christ

·        India: Mob attacks Christian prayer meeting

·        Indonesia

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