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Reading: Matthew 6:24–34
LFM: Ordinary Time 8  Legend
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Focus and Steer


Jesus warns about having two masters. We cannot serve both God and money. To achieve freedom from worry and from slavery to money, we must put our true focus on Jesus’ kingdom and its values. God cares for his creation, so he will care and provide for us.

            In 1988, Bobby McFerrin released “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” This ditty became an infectious hit. It rose to #1 on the charts and held this position for two weeks. Its simple message was well received and timely, but as we now find ourselves a decade plus into the 21st century, we still have plenty of worry and perhaps not as much happiness as we desire. The past decade or so has been a time of constant warfare and economic uncertainty.

            Watching the evening news or scanning the headlines on the newsstand reminds us constantly of the threats to our well-being and economic security. Have I saved enough for retirement? Can I pay the electric bill this month? Will my job survive the next phase of layoffs? Is there really a reason for hope in the world?


There is good news

            Jesus came to announce good news to the world. This good news was at the core of his declaration that God’s kingdom had arrived. The kingdom of God, or, as it’s also called, the kingdom of heaven, refers to the long-awaited age of salvation when God will again act in righteousness and faithfulness to bring healing, wholeness, peace, love and goodness to our world. This time of renewal began with the start of Jesus’ earthly ministry.

            Believe it or not, there is even good news about money. There is a way to find happiness and contentment in even this sphere of our lives. Jesus’ teaching could sometimes be direct and jarring. This is especially true when he taught about money, and he did so frequent

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