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Reading: Luke 7:36–8:3
RCL: Proper 6  LFM: Ordinary Time 11  BCP: Proper 6  LSB: Pentecost 3 Legend
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Finding the Right Church Member


Although the woman who weeps at Jesus’ feet and anoints him with oil surprises us with her strange actions, she teaches us about grace. Unlike the Pharisee, she understands that God has forgiven her sins. We might assume that the Pharisee is the kind of church member we need, but the woman teaches us true devotion and worship from the heart.

            Let’s use our imaginations today. Suppose someone set up an arrangement so that this church had two applicants for membership, but only one could actually join. We have to vote on which person can join the church. In real life, we would accept both members with open arms, but just for today, assume we can accept only one. Let’s look at the two candidates and see which one we choose.

            Candidate one is a religious leader. He owns his own home, indicating that he has some financial means. A gracious host, he entertains prominent people in his home. Confident in his faith, he recognizes quality people when he sees them.

            We do not have to try hard to make the case for this candidate. As a religious leader, he would add prestige to the congregation. We need more people who are serious about their religion. He has all the right credentials. As a homeowner, he has roots in the community and knows how to take responsibility and care for things. He might make a good member of the trustees or building committee. If we need to buy a new parsonage, he could add valuable expertise. As one who likes to entertain, he could host get-togethers in his home. That always comes in handy when we want to impress prospective members. He has a certain discernment about people. He can judge talent, knows a sinner from a righteous person. He would help us on the nominating committee that picks

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