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Reading: Deuteronomy 8:2–16
LFM: Corpus Christi  Legend
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Favorite Food?


Although we have heard it said that we cannot live by bread alone, many of us try to do just that. We feed the physical and allow the needs of our souls to float off of our radar. Today’s feast of Corpus Christi calls us to reflect on the importance of feeding the part of ourselves that matters most. It is an opportunity to assess what is at the center of our lives.

            A father of an 8-year-old was talking with his pastor when the pastor mentioned a recent conversation he had had with the man’s son. The pastor had asked the boy what his favorite food was. “Holy Communion,” the boy said.  Knowing his son, however, the father found this a surprising answer. He knew of his son’s fondness for hamburgers, peanut butter, ice cream and the like. So later, when he was with his son, the father offhandedly said, “I understand that our pastor asked you about your favorite food. So what did you tell him?” The boy responded, “Oh, I just told him what I thought he wanted to hear.”

            Before we judge the boy too harshly we might consider that we do this sort of thing quite often, and we might even do it in terms of spiritual matters.

            So, what is our favorite spiritual food? Do we answer with what we think God would want to hear or do we even think of food in spiritual terms? Our human spirit is in as much need of nourishment as is our body. We know this in our heads, but the problem is that we live in a world that caters to and focuses on our bodies far more than it does our spirits. It isn’t any wonder that we ourselves do the same thing.


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