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Reading: Matthew 18:15–20
RCL: Proper 18  LFM: Ordinary Time 23  BCP: Proper 18  LSB: Pentecost 12 Legend
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Extreme Love


We need the seriousness of extreme love that marked the first-century Christians.

            You have just heard how first-century Christians were taught to deal with sin among their members. “If another member of the church sins” (or “sins against you,” some translations say): “If another member of the church sins ... go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone.” If the person listens, you’ve regained that soul. If the person doesn’t listen, go to see him or her again, but this time take one or two fellow church members with you as witnesses. If that still doesn’t work, bring the issue before the whole congregation. And if even that extreme measure fails, then the person must be asked to leave the church.

            I’m quite sure I know what you thought when this scripture lesson was read. At the least, that I wouldn’t really preach about the text; instead, after reading the scripture I would find a way to talk about a more pleasant subject. Or that perhaps I would do a little lesson in church history, and how things have changed now that all of us are more sophisticated. But one thing for sure: You know I wouldn’t suggest that this scripture has anything relevant to say to us today.

            Unless, perhaps, a light came on in your mind as you heard the scripture, and you asked yourself where you’d read something similar recently. Something in a secular periodical somewhere. Or was it some recent conversation?

            For example, an issue of a magazine published by the American Association of Retired Persons, dealing with alcohol and drug addictions. The article began with a dramatic scene: a woman awakening her husband in “the predawn darkness” to lead him downstairs where he found awaiting him his two older brothers, his 8-year-old son, his 13-year-old niece, and his 86-year-old mother. And also a stranger, wearing a white turtleneck under a black sweater.

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