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Reading: Luke 12:32–38
RCL: Proper 14  LFM: Ordinary Time 19  BCP: Proper 14  LSB: Pentecost 10 Legend
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Dressed for Action


Jesus advised his followers to “be dressed for action,” and to “be like those waiting for their master to return.” A lot of us are dressed for success, excess and recess but not for the appearance of Lord of the Manor. This passage calls us to tuck in our tunics and togas, and be ready for the Lord. Kingdom people are servants who stay alert, who put worrying aside, who know where their true treasure is, who stand at the ready knowing the Jesus may put in an appearance at any time, and who, are not only to put to work by Jesus, but also served by him.

If the production schedule went as planned, Tim Burton’s re-imagination of the 1960s classic Planet of the Apes opened a few weeks ago in theaters across the country.

The characters in this sci-fi flick are either humans or simians. The smart ones are the apes; the less-than-smart are the humans. And if you’re an ape-lover, you’ll see a wide variety in this movie including chimpanzees, baboons, orangutans, howler monkees, mangabeys, gorillas, spider monkeys, lervet monkeys, mandrills and a few loris monkeys.

While humans are the lower-life and low-life forms in this movie, the actors portraying them don’t have the makeup problems that their simian counterparts do. Take actor, Helena Bonham Carter, for example, who portrays an ape, and the quasi-love interest for the human commander (Mark Wahlberg) of the crashed spaceship.

Under the direction of Oscar-winning makeup artist Rick Baker, Carter spent up to six hours to get ready for her scenes -- sometimes beginning the process at 1 a.m.! First, there’s the gorilla suit, followed by some wild-looking facial prosthetics that are plastered in place with spirit gum and poly-foam. The result is a rubbery, immobile look that makes it difficult for Carter and the other actors to enunciate and emote effectively. She has no animatronics integrated into the facial makeup to help her lift an eyebrow, or seductively twitch the corners of her mouth.

Even her teeth are specifically created, and at mealtime, makeup assistants help remove the dental appliances so that she can eat. The teeth are sterilized and appropriately marked and readied

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