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Reading: Acts 2:1–11
RCL: Pentecost  LFM: Pentecost  BCP: Pentecost Principal Service  LSB: Pentecost Legend
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Do You Have it in You?


People need to hear that there is help available to get through the trials and uncertainties of our time. We have a power within us that allows us to perform marvelous deeds. When we have “maxed out” our credit line of giving and caring, the Holy Spirit empowers us to go that second mile. If you have it in you, then let it out

            The new, young pastor was standing at the door shaking hands and greeting people following the worship service. Among the worshipers that day was a retired minister well known for his preaching ability. The young pastor was anxious to hear what the experienced man would have to say about his sermon. As he grabbed his hand, the old preacher said, “Son, that was a mighty fine sermon you preached.”

            Trying not to show his exuberant satisfaction with his own work, the young pastor humbly replied, “Oh, it wasn’t me, it was the Holy Spirit.”

            The old man looked him in the eye and said, “It wasn’t that good.”

            Do you have it in you?


The second wind

            Anyone who has ever run a race or climbed a mountain knows what it’s like to have “it.” They also know what it is to not have it. The “it” that I’m talking about is that something hidden inside of you that comes out when you need it. In a 100-meter dash, it’s that something that makes your legs move faster when you don’t think it’s possible to go any faster. In mountain climbing, it’s that something that pushes you over the top when your body just wants to go back down.

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