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Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:23–26
RCL: Maundy Thursday  LFM: Holy Thursday  BCP: Maundy Thursday  LSB: Maundy Thursday Legend
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Do This, Not That!


Celebration of Holy Communion is a vital part of Christianity — and thus a vital part of every Christian’s faith walk. From the lips of Jesus to the writings of Paul to modern-day practices, Christians are given the mandate to “do this and remember ....” The command implies that as we “do this,” there are other things we should not do.

            David Zinczenko is the General Manager of Rodale Healthy Living Group and Editor-in-Chief of Men’s Health magazine. He has been a champion of health for everyone, but especially for kids and men. In 2008 he wrote, with Matt Goulding, Eat This, Not That! for Kids! The book helps kids make healthy choices in their eating. Since then, Zinczenko and Goulding have co-written 12 books in the Eat This, Not That! series.

            Of course, it’s not a new concept. We all know that by making the right choices in what we eat, we can improve our health and outlook on life. In a very real way, Jesus was helping define correct choices for the church, to improve her health and ensure that the church and believers will endure, and even thrive, until Jesus comes once more. So today, we consider “Do This, Not That!” as it relates to the life of faith.


Do this

            Some of us call this day “Holy Thursday” and some call it “Maundy Thursday,” but both terms apply. “Maundy” comes from the same Latin word from which we get the words “mandate” and “commandment.” In the upper room, Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment, to “love one another. J

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