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Reading: Matthew 10:24–39
RCL: Proper 7  LFM: Ordinary Time 12  BCP: Proper 7  LSB: Pentecost 5 Legend
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Divided We Stand


There is a price to pay for voicing your beliefs. That price might include forms of persecution, separation from loved ones, and even physical harm. Most certainly, it will cause division in your life. Jesus did not offer us a cost-free existence.

Boris the Russian arrived at the Pearly Gates and was welcomed by St. Peter. Showing him around, the saint said, "You can go anywhere you want with one exception. You cannot go on the pink clouds!"

"Why not?" asked Boris.

"Because," answered St. Peter, "the pink clouds are reserved for people who have done something great."

"But I have done something great," Boris said. "I made a speech at the Kremlin against the Russian officials. Then I urged the people to revolt."

"Just when did this happen?" asked St. Peter.

Boris looked at his watch. "About two minutes ago."

There is a price to pay when we stand up for our beliefs. Jesus knew how costly that price could be … for himself and for his followers. He wanted his disciples to thoroughly understand how their lives would be impacted if they chose to follow him.

We have a tendency to water down Jesus’ message and focus only on "the gentle Jesus." What we forget is "the revolutionary Jesus" who said that he came to bring the sword and to divide family members one against the other. We’re still looking for that politically correct Messiah … and so we create a modern Jesus who fits that image.

You’ve probably seen bumper stickers that say "Jesus for President!" Ideally … the best man for the job; but in reality, a most unlikely candidate.

By today’s standards, Jesus wouldn’t have made a very good politician. He wasn’t a good politician in the first century. A politician has to say things that people want to hear in order to survi

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