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Reading: Matthew 20:1–16
RCL: Proper 20  LFM: Ordinary Time 25  BCP: Proper 20  LSB: Pentecost 18 Legend
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Common Grace


This parable Jesus told describes a vineyard owner who hired workers at different times of the day, but paid them all the same. Sometimes when God blesses people in ways that he has not blessed us, it’s easy to feel a bit jealous. When this happens, we are admonished to put away childish attitudes, and to rejoice with those who rejoice. We should never lose sight of the many ways God has kept his promises and agreements with us.

     The 19th century Spanish general Ramon Narvaez was on his deathbed, and toward the end, was visited by a priest. Eventually, the discussion came around to the condition of the officer’s soul.
     The priest asked him “Sir, have you forgiven your enemies?”
     “I have no need to forgive them,” the officer weakly replied, “I’ve had them all shot.”
     The myth of the dramatic deathbed conversion is usually just that - a myth. A person who has spent a lifetime ignoring God is usually still ambivalent about what awaits him beyond death’s door.
     Consider what John Tillotson, archbishop of Canterbury from 1691-1694, said about deathbed conversions:

     Do we think that when the day has been idly spent and squandered away by us, we shall be fit to work when the night and darkness come - when our understanding is weak, and our memory frail, and our will crooked, and by long custom of sinning obstinately bent the wrong way, what can we then do in religion? What reasonable or acceptable service can we then perform to God? When our candle is just sinking into the socket, how shall our light “so shine before men that they may see our good works”? ... I will not pronounce anything concerning the impossibility of a deathbed repentance, but I am sure that it is very difficult, and, I believe, very rare.

The grace of God

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